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    5 Vegas Gold Toro

    For me these have to sit at least 6 months to get that harsh taste out. I've also notice they do better stored closer to 60 RH than 70. :2 My take on them is with some time they are a very nice mild cigar and pair well with a lightly salty scotch. :dr
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    anyone got an empty Macallan 25?

    :r:r:r Great idea.
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    Which cigars does Oliva make for Taboo?

    Do they do the blending on those lines as well?
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    *Bagram Tiki Bar*

    :r Careful guys, it's all fun and games until someone calls in an airstrike
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    Don Pepin Garcia Serie JJ Maduro

    IMO Pepins thrive at the 60-65% range. If your humi is at 70 I think all your Pepins will feel wet/tight/plugged. If that's not the issue I'd bet it was just a bum roll, and the next one will be better.
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    Intrusive B&M Sales Help

    Quote: Originally Posted by Shotgunjimmy Im curious though, how do you tell from smelling the cigar that it is plugged? It was a joke fellas. :chk Not that I'd put it past some people though....
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    Uh-oh... beetle trouble?

    I didn't think grain or the residuals were the result of oil, rather the result of fertilization with magnesium and potassium.
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    Intrusive B&M Sales Help

    Almost as bad as theft, B&M's have to deal with the "Mr. Cluster-F" persona who is bound to be in the humidor: Licking cigar wrappers Smelling them to see if they are plugged Dropping them on the ground Consider it quality control, once they know you they'll stop.
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    What do you guys think about the Pepin JJ Maduro?

    My wife loves the things and most of the local folks I know are huge Pepin whores. If I had an on-line cigar outfit, I'd stock em.:tu
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    Teachers: Summer Vacation is Over

    STD Bingo... Damn. STD Pictionary or STD Charade's would be a lot more fun.
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    Temp Control, a Bunch of Hooey?

    Here's the bottom line for me; I have thousands of dollars worth of cigars. If I keep growing in this hobby I'll have TENS of thousands of dollars invested in cigars. Temperature control is in insurance policy. How can I afford not to invest in it? :ss
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    I wasted a perfectly "good" Tat

    Re: I wasted a perfectly good Tat Giving the cigar time to rest will often improve it; however, when you expect a "Pepin-esque" flavor - time isn't suddenly going to help it develop. :tpd:
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    Wireless Humidity Meter?

    Lots of folks seem to love the La Crosse models, I had one for about a week. The sensor was so far off it was ridiculous, when I called the company about it they said that their products had a -/+ 7 margin of error. I told them this was unacceptable for my application and wanted to see if they...
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    torches in Afghanistan

    I'm also at over 5000 ft. here in Colorado the filtration quality of the butane seems to have an effect on how well my lighter just sparks up.
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    Cigar Misconceptions

    :r I was waiting for this one.
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    CA reviews, Love 'em, or hate 'em?

    Not a funny joke either, the sad kind.
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    SSSS #5

    Mike, my SSSS # 5 was in on 7/14.
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    SSSS #5

    I'm late on this one, sorry: Prelight Aroma/Flavor: Leather and nutty maybe? Look: SSSS #5 is a bit of a mystery. There is either a very ugly triple cap or a double cap. The stick looks like it might have a light box press. The foot is square on two sides and then rounded; this odd semi-box...
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    Removing smell from humidor

    I told a friend this once for the same situation, he missed the bowl part. :hn
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    SSSS #5

    Road Trip!