A Spring Walk with San Cristobal

Just had to post this image of a modified San Cristobal cigar band.

My son's full first name is Cristobal, we call him Cris. He is a musician but he is not in a cigar band but now his name is on a cigar band. :D

Beautiful shots as usual, and such a nice cigar! I just had one last weekend and can't wait to have another.

I gotta say though, that photo essay somehow conjured up the image of that yard gnome that was kidnapped, and then photos of the gnome in diverse parts of the world started showing up - bobsledding, duct-taped to skis, submerged in a hot tub... Your San Cristobal definitely made the rounds!
I have not had one of these smokes in some time now and this thread has me really looking forward to revisiting the San Cristobal.

Thanks for the great pics :tu
I am blown away by this review and the amazing pictures. All I had was a tin gamecock in the background. I am inspired! I'm going to give this a shot at some point.... Of course I'll have to redneck it up a bit... I can't just outright steal your ideas... that wouldn't be right.

you are an artist!

now I want to smoke one.
I am blown away by this review and the amazing pictures. All I had was a tin gamecock in the background. I am inspired! I'm going to give this a shot at some point.... Of course I'll have to redneck it up a bit... I can't just outright steal your ideas... that wouldn't be right.

you are an artist!

now I want to smoke one.

Steal away, better yet, the inspiration will show you the way to make it your own. Have fun and smoke one with your camera as the proxy for all of us here at CS. :D Enjoy
Great review. Can't agree more about the San Cristobal's. I love the whole line with the Monumento being my personal fav. Thanks again for the awesome review!:tu
Incredibly clear pics... and some excellent shots! Well done. :tu

That ring is impressive, too. Reminds me of "Barnabas Collins." :D
Wonderful pictures. I drooled all over my keyboard!:dr

I'm gonna smoke one today!!!:ss

I got sick right after I said that!

I finally started smoking again today!!! Guess which one I smoked???

That's right!!! The San Cristobal!!!

It was everything you said it would be!!! Roasty Toasty and Yummy through and through!!!:tu
Very well shot pictures...nice to see a bit of a different review for a change...always wanted to try out a San Cristobal but have yet to...I better get on that :dr