Beer, Wine or Liquor with your Smoke?

What do you drink with your Cigar?

  • Beer

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • Wine

    Votes: 9 18.0%
  • Liquor

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Nothing

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Coffee

    Votes: 13 26.0%

  • Total voters

Scuba Steve

Young Ape
Just a question for all the primates in the Jungle! A friend of mine and I were just having a debate about what is the best beverage to drink when smoking a Cigar, if any. I am just curious about what everyone here thinks.

Do you prefer Beer, Wine, Liquor, or nothing at all?

You left off a big one: coffee. I think a lot of guys on here like a primo esspresso with their sticks.

9 out of 10 times I go with coffee. If Im looking to "booze it up" I go with beer. Red wine and cigars don't mix well with me - its the acid in it. After a glass or two my cigar always takes on a acidic taste and it feels like Im coming down with heartburn. Anyone else experience this?

I find the same thing with really hoppy beers. I like rounder, more roasty malted beers such as amber ales, porters, or stouts to IPAs if I'm having a cigar.

ME TOO!! I love a good IPA, but not with a cigar. Also - lots of people say a cigar with Guiness is good, but I think you need a hint of sweetness, like in a good lager, to bring out a cigars flavor IMHO :)
Posted by SilvrBck

You left off a big one: coffee. I think a lot of guys on here like a primo esspresso with their sticks.

You are absoultly right, let me see if I can add that to the pole!

Smoke Out!
It really depends on the mood or occassion.

Coffee or tea is good in the morning, on cold days, or at any time really.

Any type of beer must be paired with a med-strong to full bodied cigar IMO. A very hoppy beer can overpower many cigars.

As far as liquors, it again depends on the cigars. The heaviness or lightness of the liquor needs to somewhat match the cigar.
coffee is number 1 for me ... 2nd is eggroll (ask brandon - rotflmao!) ... everything else is number 3, but minimum is water preferred con mineral.
Depends on time of day and the mood..Generally coffee during the day, but like MMD said, when visiting the HH, a lil cognac, Port or beer will do!! :al
ICAN'TDECIDE! How could you make me pick just one?
I'm afraid I'll have to abstain due to indecision. It just all depends on the stick, the mood, the company. Not necessarily in that order.
If its a BS session with some good friends, definately liquor. If I'm relaxin after dinner, a wine. A morning stick is great with coffee, but sometimes it's good to stay simple and go with water.
Pretty flexible as to what to drink with my cigars, but in no particular order, good cup of coffee, couple of fingers of a good bourbon over ice , and a good Imperial stout such as Old Rasputin.Depends on mood, time of day, the weather,etc. Frank B
smokemifyagotem said:
9 out of 10 times I go with coffee. If Im looking to "booze it up" I go with beer. Red wine and cigars don't mix well with me - its the acid in it. After a glass or two my cigar always takes on a acidic taste and it feels like Im coming down with heartburn. Anyone else experience this?

yes! actually, a handful of NC cigars do that on their own with me. but i try to stay away from acidic drinks like wine when i'm smoking.

i normally go for (if i can) some diet soda and spiced rum. i would LOVE to try coffee with my cigars, but when i nornally get time to smoke a good cigar, it's late at night.

since i'm over in germany, of course i'm drinking beer with my cigars now... too bad they don't have guiness in most places (except irish pubs) here.