Best pre-smoke aroma from a cigar

Major Captain Silly

Poker for the troops
I just got my Graycliff Espresso order in yesterday and I must say they have my favorite pre-smoke aroma ever! I am cracking open the humidor where they rest like every hours just to take a whiff. Simply fantastical!

I love the smell of a box of maduro Padrons. It's got a unique smell and makes you want to take a bite out of one.

Also, the 5 Vegas A boxes smell pretty damn sweet with all the cedar aroma.
Some of my faves for pre-smoke aroma...601 Green Label Oscuro, RP Sumatra and I do agree w/ BostonMark-Oliva V is a sweet smell out of the box.
My top three favorite pre-lite aromas in order are, Davidoff Diademas Finas, Padron Anniversary Maduros, and La Aurora Preferidos Maduro.
I have a few:

Opus - People say these smell like cognac, but to me they smell exactly like that cinnamon rasin bread you had as a kid. Delicious.

Anejos - Similar to Opus, with a little cocoa thrown in.

LFD DL Chisel - Maybe my favorite. Sweet cedar mixed w/ Hershey chocolate smell.

LFD DL 660 - STRONG sweet curry scent. I love it.

JdN Antanos - Fresh out of the box I swear these smell like Tabasco sauce. Pungent oak smell. Almost makes you sneeze.

Tatuaje Browns - Strong barnyard scent. Very nice!
When I open my humi , if my daughters are nearby they come running ," That smells so gooooooooood" , I have to agree . But as far as the pre-smoke aroma I would have to say the ":BS" barnyard aroma is my favorite .