Cohiba Vainilla


I was gifted a ten pack of these babies from someone who just vacationed on one the islands. They look to be a petite corona.

On the first image you can see that the cigar on the left has suffered a little damage on the wrapper. As we all know, they are handmade products so the quality control is never perfect.

The second image you will see the 10 Vainilla branded on each side. This is an excellent sign that these are genuine Cohiba Vainilla (there are lots of fakes out there you know).

The third image worries me a bit. The box makes some reference to the Dominican Republic. I bet due to all of the green initiatives they have started recycling boxes regardless of the country of origin. Our friends from Cuba are always a step ahead.

I just went to the Habanos website and they make no mention of this cigar. These must be super rare!

These are going to smoke like a dream. I'm going to age them for a bit. As we all know, the more humidor time, the better.

How did I do for my 100th post?

Excellent score! :tu

I've searched all over Mexico in vain for the Vainillas. (Is that some sort of pun???)

I can tell those are genuine Cohiba Vainillas from the packaging. Only real Cohiba Vainillas come in a glass (plastic?) top box. As everyone knows, the fake Domincan Cohiba Vainillas only come in cabs. The Dominican stamp is obviously either a misprint, or an attempt to lure unsuspecting Dominican smokers.

Don't forget to post a review! :D
Those are very real & infused with the very rare & hard to find burnt 7-year old madagascar vanilla & vintage english shoe leather with a touch of.......ah nevermind.:dr

I bet those were infused with Genuine 100% authentic Imitation Vanilla flavoring extracted from the elusive plastic orchids of the Jersey Shore.
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Haha, when I was reading the first sentence, all I was thinking was this guy is about to get flamed. It got funnier from their. vAInilla sounds so good. Nice post. :r:dr