Fire pits, chimnea's, outdoor heating options


reach out n touch 'em
So, with the soon to be cooler weather coming, and the opportunity to play with fire, I'm looking into the afore mentioned options. Now I understand that down here it 'don't get that cold'. I understand that it's not going to be -6 in November (thanks fort riley, ks) but I'd like the option of sitting out with some fuego going on. I don't know much about these things, but I figure that a chimnea will provide a little more directional heat(towards my lawn chair) than a fire pit. Anyone have any experience, or ideas? Thanks
The wife is wanting me to purchase an outdoor heating source too so she can sit outside with me while I smoke. I haven't made a decision either.
I have a fire pit and just stoke the crap out of it so it will burn your legs in any direction if you get too close. The look of the chimnea just wigs me out too much to sit next to one. Besides, if your friends get too drunk you don't get any laughs because they have a more difficult time falling into a chimnea. A fire pit - oh yes - they're rolling in the coals for sure. :r

Seriously, nothing like an open fire for everyone to see from every direction. Besides, if it's that damn cold, you're more than likely to just go back inside anyway, right?

(and you have to clean out the chimnea more frequently. Let the rain or wind get rid of the dry ashes in the fire pit and your good to go. You just have to dig it out once in a great while.) My :2
I have a chiminea on the deck. It's a "cool weather" solution, but not really suited for winter use. I guess this makes it perfect for down south where it really doesn't get cold. Unless you're using piñon or manzanita wood, you'll be maintaining the fire a lot.

These would work much better for a small group of smokers. Or these.

Either way, any outdoor heating will only be effective if it's not very windy.
I'll use Oak, or pecan. it'll last decently long enough. If there's bad weather afoot I won't be outside smoking in it, I guess I'm just going to have to go down to home depot/lowes to look...
I use a big copper fire pit that my wife got, I believe, from Red Envelope. It is like 36" across and you can get a rip roaring fire going in it. I burn all kinds of wood in it and it has held up like a champ. I think it was around $250 or so. We sit around it all the time during the cooler months. Hopefully in another month or so our temps will begin to fall so we can start using it again.
I had 3 chimneas from home depot and everyone only lasted 2 seasons,will never buy one from their again within 2 weeks it cracked,they are only sun dried,not kiln fired,bought a cheap fire pit from wally world for $60....but if I ever lay down money in the future it will be a cast aluminum chimnea will last forever...a little pricey but you get what you pay
All of the propane type heaters are going to be more efficient as a heating source than a pit or chimnea but they aren't as cool(actually they are more 'cool' thats why they don't heat as good).:chk
I had 3 chimneas from home depot and everyone only lasted 2 seasons,will never buy one from their again within 2 weeks it cracked,they are only sun dried,not kiln fired,bought a cheap fire pit from wally world for $60....

I was shopping 3 weeks ago for a chimnea and was told by someone at Home Depot to consider a fire pit instead since the chimnea will eventually crack. I bought something very similar to this with cover and all for <$200 :)

I have yet to use it...but I'm looking forward to it! :)
I have one of these:

Plenty hot, no smoke and a lot less trouble than starting a fire.
Jeez you guys are soft. I use something smaller than that for my ice fishing shanty. :ss

I found my Mr. Heater was rather uncomfortable in really cold weather, as the heat is TOO directional. If I get too close, burn up....too far way I freeze.
I have one of these:

Plenty hot, no smoke and a lot less trouble than starting a fire.

I have found this the most direct heat. You don't have to sit quite as close. I have tried everything from those 6 foot dome heaters which did nothing at all ( I took it back imediately) to the dome table heater. Nothing even came close to my cheap propane heater like the one in Hermit's post.
I use the propane directional thing in my garden shed over the winter months here.

I can't imagine anything working well enough in open air to keep my nose happy enough to smoke outdoors with the temp less than 40 or so. I would LOVE to be wrong there though, sitting outdoor with some type of fire would kick butt! Maybe a bit of a pain building a fire every time you wanna have a cigar (nightly here).

I had one of the chimneas, earth/clay variety and it didn't do enough for sure and as has been said, broke down eventually
Personally I'm a big fan of chimneas. Where I work we sell them like crazy and everyone that buys one raves about it. They look great and add a touch of something extra to wherever you're deciding to put it. Also they're confined and there's not much mess to clean up.