Gov. Schwarzenegger banned from Sacramento cigar shop


Brand New Monkey
Local cigar shop refuses service to the Govenator

Local cigar shop refuses service to the Govenator Arnold.....

Hello all.

I was just watching the news here in Sacramento on Channel 13 and they featured how the local shop below, has now refused service to the governor or anyone trying to buy cigars for him. They say until he changes his policy of backing the cigar tax, they are refusing him service. Apparently, they have done business in the past. They say that as a cigar smoker, he needs to support cigar smokers. Amen! Nice move I think. I'm emailing them vocalizing my support. They have a sign posted on the door as well.

Re: Local cigar shop refuses service to the Govenator


Awesome, at first I thought "aw that wasn't cool!" then I read everything and now I'm all for it.
^wow....this is amazingly usless post.^

I can understand why the owner would do that.

Ahnold flaunts his love of the leaf, but then goes and supports antismoking legislation. If I owned a shop i'd do the same thing. Hippocrite!
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Good for them. Although, I would have sold them the cigars, with the appropriate tax added on :ss

Great idea. "That will be $15.00 for your Cremosa, Governor, plus a $50.00 "hypocrite" tax brings the total to $65.00".

Thanks for posting this Brad!!!

If I come down there to visit Tower, in a week or two, we should get together!!! I think the shop could use a little more support!:tu
Thanks for posting this Brad!!!

If I come down there to visit Tower, in a week or two, we should get together!!! I think the shop could use a little more support!:tu

Let me guess... Schwarzenegger gave the cheeeeezzzzeee line I"LL BE BACK

Good for the owner!!! Stick to your guns!!
Great idea. "That will be $15.00 for your Cremosa, Governor, plus a $50.00 "hypocrite" tax brings the total to $65.00".


Then he would have wrote it off as a business expense, and the tax payers would have ended up paying for it anyway :hn