Harassed by Thompson's


Young Ape
So I got my monthly call from Thompson's last night. Normally they call to remind me that my cigar club membership is on hold (because I told them to cancel it like 9 months ago), I tell them every time they call to go ahead and cancel because I don't buy from them anymore, but they leave it active in case I want to "take part in their great specials". This time they called to tell me they were going to re-activate it and send me a sampler. I tried to explain I didn't want their sampler, their club, or their catalog, but that all fell on deaf ears.

Thompson's: Hello sir, I am calling to verify that you want me to re-activate your club membership and ship you the AAA Dominican sampler and give you 10% off your next order.

Me: I'm not interested, I canceled this account

Thompson's: May I ask why

Me: I don't buy cigars from you anymore

Thompson's: May I ask why?

Me: because your prices are much higher that just about everywhere else

Thompson's: Well sir, when you receive your AAA Dominican sampler, you will also receive 10% off your next order with us

Me (starting to raise my voice): I already told you, I don't want your sampler, please cancel this account.

Thompson's: Sir, with your 10% guarantee, we can either send you the AAA Sampler or change it to something else, may I recommend ???? (not even sure what she said)

Me: (Very angry now): I don't want your sampler, your cigars, your club, or your catalog, either cancel my account now, or transfer me to someone that can.

Thompson's: click!!

Man, I really paid the price for buying from them when I firsted started smoking cigars. I really wish someone would have handed me a CI catalog instead of a Thompson's one when I mentioned I wanted to buy cigars.
You didn't read the fine print did you?

"By prchasing from Thompson igars we reserve the right to hound you for the rest of you natural life. We will continue to hunt you down, send you catalogues and ship cigars to you that you will most likely never smoke. we also reserve the right to overcharge you and harrass your next of kin as well........................................
They still send me a catalog even though I haven't ordered from them in like 3 yrs. I look through the catalog and :r

$113 for a box of Brazilia Gol :rolleyes:

Whoever writes the descriptions of their house brand cigars could get a career in political speech writing.
Tell them you want to placed on their 'Dont call list' and if they continue to call back you will take legal action($1000per call fine per call).
I don't get called anymore, but I still get their catalog. It usually goes straight in the trash. JR's is a much better read. I don't order from them either, but some of Lew's stories--does Lew Rothman still write the catalog copy?-- make for satisfactory bathroom reading.
Glad I haven't purchased anything from them bastards.

I've been gifted (if you wanna call it that) a few Thompson's...and the consensus is correct. You may as well go smoke a cat turd.
Glad I have never ordered from them. Maybe I will sign some of my enemies up for mailers......no I wouldn't even wish that on them.
I too made the mistake of joining the Thompson club as my first cigar purchasing exposure, and although i have cancelled with them, the smokes i picked up from them are really not all that bad, they are the Empresario's, and were a decent smoke on the golf course. Maybe with time and exposure to good cigars, i will rethink, but for now, they are OK. I sent a few out in trades so far, and actually sent a couple to Darrell to try, so hopefully he can sample and review one for us to see what he thinks. But when i did try to cancel, they gave me the same story about just temporarily suspending, and ordering later, i just firmly told them that i was not interested in cigars or smoking/buying them any longer and to cancel my membership. All is done, but i still get the mail order catalog.
I no longer get phone calls, 5 years later, but I still get that damn catalog once a month.
I've taken to pulling a "Seinfeld" on telemarketers......I tell em I'm busy right now, but if they will give me their home phone number, I will call them back when I have time.

They end the call quickly. :r
Ditto on all of these Thompsons stories. I made the same deal with their "club" and they ended up sending me 2 of the same "deals" for the month,,even though I cancelled after the first one. We fought for about a month and finally I had all of my paperwork from the first cancellation,,who I talked with,,,what time we talked,,etc etc and I ended up keeping both of these "great" deals. I get the magazine as usual,,even after moving 3 times these guys are great in finding where you live even without leaving a forwarding address,,,,,and to think we can't find Osama Bin Laden. I say we start a magazine in his name and then let Thompsons find the SOB,,,,MISSION ACCOMPLISED!!

Every old man at my local golf course loves Thompsons and raves about them because "they send specials all the time and give me great deals when I don't even ask for them"?!?! WTF is that? why is that a good thing??