history Channel

I was able to catch the second half of it. Enough to see the part about the Fuente's and pipes. I had seen the same parts before. The difference, at least with the pipe, is that I had not picked it up when I first saw it. It was interesting to see it again, and see the Purple Cow tobacco I purchased a few months ago being discussed :pp

Also, I found it really interesting about when they talked about the addictive traits of nicotine, and that it is more addictive than cocaine and heroine. Good thing we don't inhale :ss

Also, just more ammunition on why it's better to not smoke cigarettes :w
Can anyone explain the swedish smokeless tobacco they were referring too.

I also get a laugh when they mention that smokeless tobbacco (like skoal/copenhagen) is mainly used "in rural areas."

So what they we hick southerners like to dip some snuff. We ain't skeered! :r
Can anyone explain the swedish smokeless tobacco they were referring too.

I also get a laugh when they mention that smokeless tobbacco (like skoal/copenhagen) is mainly used "in rural areas."

So what they we hick southerners like to dip some snuff. We ain't skeered! :r

Swedish Snus

I thought the jab at smokeless tobacco being used in rural areas was funny too. Then my mind jumped to a teacher I worked with who, as soon as kids would leave the class on his planning period, would pull a can out of his desk and pour the rest of his mountain dew out of the window, and start spitting.

And yes, it was in a rural area.
The best show on the History Channel is the Breaking Vegas episode called "Beat the Wheel". I personally found the performance by Hippie #2 to be riveting and award worthy.

In fact I just might have a DVD of that somewhere...

Yes, I'm still clinging to my 15 minutes of basic cable fame.