How many do you smoke a day?

How do some of you smoke 9-10 per day?

My very first herf with my "home" board - the RNB - I smoked 9 cigars - that was from around noon to 3 AM.

I've gone through a dozen in a day.

you have to take into account, it's not all churchill sized smokes!!

I usually catch one on the way home from work - I tried smoking on the way in to work at 5 AM - but that's a bad idea when you have to run PT!!!!

For awhile 1 or 2 per day and more on weekends!!! Saturday can be 2 or 3 and Sunday can be 3 or 4 because of the Sunday Cyber-Herf!!!

At a Herf I usually smoke between 4 and 7 cigars!!!

On average I can usually smoke about 5 in a week. Sometimes on weekends I can fit in 2 a day. I can't think of the last time I ever had more than 3 in one day though!
I usually am able to smoke 2 to 3 a week usually later in the evening 8-9 pm when the kids have gone to bed. Usually less in the winter when it gets pretty cold here in the plains :mad:.
Haha...well. My girl doesn't want me smoking too often. I try to keep it down to 1-2 a week, but usually end up being like 3-4 a week.:gn:mn
Every time I see this thread I want to answer:

As many as it takes.

So I thought I would finally.

As many as it takes = 75-100 a year. I don't smoke as many in the winter so per week doesn't even work for me.
Maybe two a week, if that. I smoke sparingly and usually only for a special occasion or celebratory purpose.
I try to hold back to one after work on work days. Friday nights and Weekends and days off (every other Monday), two, three, four or more.