I shoved my wife


Evolving Lead Gorilla
down the slope!

I have been getting her some flavor infused cigars (at her request) and then last night I was smoking a 601 Green (Oscuro) and she asked for a puff, she liked it so I got her one for herself and she smoked it. She really liked it HAHA! :chk:w:bl
down the slope!

I have been getting her some flavor infused cigars (at her request) and then last night I was smoking a 601 Green (Oscuro) and she asked for a puff, she liked it so I got her one for herself and she smoked it. She really liked it HAHA! :chk:w:bl

Say goodbye to the savings account! :tu
Once the wives start smoking, it starts getting really expensive. I have tried to ween her off of the flavored :BS. To a certain degree she is coming around. I just hate the smell of over powering vanilla while I am enjoying pure tobacco.

With her moving out Thursday, I suppose I will not have that issue anymore.:tg
Once the wives start smoking, it starts getting really expensive. I have tried to ween her off of the flavored :BS. To a certain degree she is coming around. I just hate the smell of over powering vanilla while I am enjoying pure tobacco.

With her moving out Thursday, I suppose I will not have that issue anymore.:tg

Mine moved out earlier this month, but then moved back. Honestly I think she WAY overreacted to a stooopid fight but ?????
Mine moved out earlier this month, but then moved back. Honestly I think she WAY overreacted to a stooopid fight but ?????

Join the club, I'm not even married yet and the other half is always doing that. Honestly I'm not even sure why the fights start half the time. But, by that point she has stopped talking to me so I have no way of finding out.
Damn dude, a 601 Green?!?!?! Now thats impressive, hell of a full bodied smoke those are. I however, have a better half that damn near refuses to be outside with me when I smoke. Good on you!
Man, that's too good.

If my wife does that I'm dropping my smoke and running to the nearest church to get my last prayers in because the world is coming to an end quickly. If I could only get her to smoke cigars with me I'd have, or pretty damn near, the perfect woman.
Damn dude, a 601 Green?!?!?! Now thats impressive, hell of a full bodied smoke those are. I however, have a better half that damn near refuses to be outside with me when I smoke. Good on you!

She has always like to sit outside with me while I smoke. She said it smells good, reminds her of her late Godfather.
Mine's on the slope and the conversation often goes this way.
Are we going to smoke a cigar tonight?
My Reply "I am!"
Can I have one?
"Yes, which one would you like?"
Do you remember the one I smoked last week?
"You smoked several, what did it look like?"
You know, the one that I liked!

She's not a cheap date, she likes PAM 64s and 26s, Illusione hl, Taboo Twists, Hemingway Signatures and Diamond Crowns. :tu
One of my exes could smoke stronger than me. I would smoke a stick and get all loopy and she was able to smoke two or three.
At least you don't have to go through the


Because you can reply

"Well honey......WE were out of cigars!"
Mine is slowly trying non-flavored sticks, but she still prefers vanilla and the infused cigars. Personally, I don't care as long as she is smoking a cigar instead of cigarette. Besides, we've been able to have many pleasant moments on the porch at night, when we used to just sit in front of the boob-tube and vegetate.

I was suprised when she came out one night and mentioned that my cigar didn't stink the way the ones at work do (she works at a bowling alley). I explained that most of the guys at the lanes are smoking those .50 cigars which are nowhere comparable to a good cigar. Now she's starting down the slope...