Lighter or Matches


Young Ape
I have heard the it is best to use a lighter that uses triple filtered butane. If true, why so. Thanks for help. Still trying to educate myself
Butane that is filtered less than three times has too many impurities and can clog your lighter. (Ronson) It's not the "best" way to light a cigar, just a personal preference. I don't know if there is a "best" way.
Butane that is filtered less than three times has too many impurities and can clog your lighter. (Ronson)

Unless it is a Ronson lighter. I use the cheapest fuel available in my Ronson lighter and have been using the same one for over 2 tears with no problems. Of course YMMV.
I've been using Ronson in my Xikar for years. Have gone through 4-5 of the large Ronson bottles, no problems yet.
I use vector butane (filtered 5) times that you can get at Williams and Sonoma in my Blazer PB-207 torch lighter. I was also gifted 2 Ronson's that I will start using. As for matches, I think it's easier with a torch, espcially if you are inexperience, the match will burn out before the the cigar is lit evenly. Many people say there are the chemicals and such in the match that ruin the taste, but it's not noticable unless you sit there and look for it. This is also similar to soft flame lighters.
I use whatever is at hand.
Ditto, I usually get sick of or loose the lighter before fuel clogging ever becomes a problem. Never had fuel cause a problem. I guess if I ever find 'the right one' I want to keep forever, I may treat her to triple filtered or better.:D
Matches here, don't know why, that is just the way my buddy lit a cigar, and i just followed his lead. I seem to enjoy lighting a cigar that way, takes more time and is more part of the experience
What's the big deal with butane? You can get Vector butane that's filtered 5+ times for next to nothing. I don't see why anyone who spends $$$ on cigars would skimp on something so cheap.
Just go with the good ol oxygen acetylene torch... (Only use acetylene that has been filtered 5 times of course):bn:hn
I usually go for matches; but I sometimes turn to me Blazer Zippo insert (bloody great addition to a Zippo collector).
First i like to find a young female volunteer & then proceed with only the finest fire sorce i proceed to light the stick carefully.:chk
I use a butane lighter because I smoke outside and it is usually breezy. I have trouble with matches blowing out before I can get a proper light.
Have you really burnt yourself with one?

I haven't yet, but I imagine it would get ugly REALLY fast.

Yes I have many times over the years. I like to smoke in my Jeep. So with one hand on the wheel with a cigar in it the other with a torch lighter in it you obviously have to pay more attention to the road then where the torch is aiming and sheet happens. Ouch! Never too seriously though.