Looking for Archer82


reach out n touch 'em
I'm trying to get into contact with Archer82. I've not seen him around for a bit. Anybody with any info they'd share, would be appreciated. Any info that you don't want to share, well I guess I'll cry, and then get over it. I'm going to be passing his way in Kabul soon, and would hate to miss the opportunity to run into a fellow gorilla. Thanks.
Myself and some other guys that used to chat with him in the channel have also been wondering what happened to him. I hope everything is ok.
Last time I talked to him, he did say that he was leaving Afghanistan earlier than expected, but I don't remember the time frame. Maybe he's on his way back?
When I last spoke to him he said he might be headed home through Fort Rileyly Ks. around Aug. 8th....Haven't heard from him and I am hoping hes ok!!!..I hope he can make it here to have a steak and a cigar!!!

I notice a lot of people missing or not posting much.

Its the summer and this is what happens. Everyone will be back eventually.