"Neighbor" etiquette?

I agree 100% Carlos. :tu

If someone around me complains, I pick up the phone and call my friends over and have a mini-herf.

Just kidding....really...I need to only call one person.......icehog3.

They see him in his muscle shirt, spiked hair and arriving on his HD...they better hide their hot wife/gf and/or daughters of legal age.
If someone around me complains, I pick up the phone and call my friends over and have a mini-herf.

Just kidding....really...I need to only call one person.......icehog3.

They see him in his muscle shirt, spiked hair and arriving on his HD...they better hide their hot wife/gf and/or daughters of legal age.

Than, I think I want to meet your neighbors. :)
Tough issue. If you live in an actual house with a yard, I wouldn't worry about it very much at all. I personally wouldn't smoke even in my own backyard if the neighbors were having a birthday party for their little kid or something but otherwise smoking should be fair game.

Now if you live in a townhouse, condo, apartment, or multiplex then things get more complicated. I live in a townhouse and my back deck is about 12 ft. away from my closest neighbor's. Fortunately we're on good terms and she is fine with me smoking out on the deck. She told me that she enjoys the smell of a good cigar or pipe. She does have a little 5 year old daughter that I avoid smoking around. Once she came out on the deck to eat ice cream on a day nice so I just had to put down my cigar but I didn't regret it one bit. My other neighbors are farther away (40+ ft.) so I don't worry so much about them.

I guess it all comes down to just basic common courtesy and communication. Talk to your neighbors and see if they mind. If it does bother them, see what you can do within reason to keep them happy. If they see that you're making an effort to be a good neighbor and accommodate them, then they will likely do the same for you.
I guess it all comes down to just basic common courtesy and communication. Talk to your neighbors and see if they mind. If it does bother them, see what you can do within reason to keep them happy. If they see that you're making an effort to be a good neighbor and accommodate them, then they will likely do the same for you.


Much better approach than "screw 'em"
I live in a coldasac (sp?)so i just have to worry about 1 neighbor and that house is empty right now so I smoke in my backyard all I want without worry.

<3 Erik
Haven't heard any complaints yet. I doubt I'd stop, I've got a decent sized yard, move ot the other side perhaps...
I tell them it's better than me sunbathing nude.
As someone who has seen what this man looks like I can honestly say I am sure his neighbors will gladly take the cigar smoke over a neked Darrell.

I like my neighbor he is a great man. I try to avoid smoking when he is outside. That said its easy for me cause I smoke late at night generally and live on a corner so I only have 2 neighbors and only really see 1. I think as others have said a little attempt at being civil wont hurt anyone.
My neighbors come over to see what I'm smoking. :D
If not for being able to see me, they wouldn't know I'm smoking.
I'm fortunate to not live in such close quarters with my neighbors. We live in town right now, but even at that, most everyone has a good sized yard. I'm used to living on a "farm", and chickens like cigars. At least I never had any complaints. :D
We have good separation between yards but I do try to be considerate if the neighbors' grandchildren are out. However when the neighbor on the other side's gangsta (c)rap crosses my property line into my ears, I don't really care if my cigars annoy him.
We have good separation between yards but I do try to be considerate if the neighbors' grandchildren are out. However when the neighbor on the other side's gangsta (c)rap crosses my property line into my ears, I don't really care if my cigars annoy him.
Blow him up, man. ;)
Wow...I posted this before I went to bed and didn't expect 3 pages by the morning!

I'm generally pretty considerate. One of my neighbor's 17yr-old daughter has her bedroom window about 20' from my 'smoking area' so if her window is open, I usually gauge the wind direction before lighting up. If they are having a dinner party outside, I usually don't light one either.

Other than that, their dog uses the air to send "barks" into my yard, I guess I'm just returning the favor.
Wow...I posted this before I went to bed and didn't expect 3 pages by the morning!

I'm generally pretty considerate. One of my neighbor's 17yr-old daughter has her bedroom window about 20' from my 'smoking area' so if her window is open, I usually gauge the wind direction before lighting up. If they are having a dinner party outside, I usually don't light one either.

Other than that, their dog uses the air to send "barks" into my yard, I guess I'm just returning the favor.

Got me thinking as I returned to this thread.
Where does one draw the line?
Some great suggestions of trying to work it out and asking if it bothers them but no all neighbors are as courteous in return.
Certainly believe you should try to have harmony but a neighbor's dislikes should not interfere with your lifestyle.
If the smoke bothers them and they have the window open, they too have a choice to get around that. They can close the window and when you are done with your cigar, they can open it again.
Great thing about cigars, most folks generally don't chain smoke then like cigarettes. So once you are done, you are pretty much done.

Now imagine a different scenario such as mine.
My neighbor behind me cooks the weirdest smelling crap you can ever imagine.
Any different than cigar smoke?
Should he be worried about what I think of it?
Don't think so. He is outdoors. He is on his property. He is not doing anything illegal.
Sometimes, being a good neighbor is more than conceding/giving in to what your neighbor wants you to do. Sometimes it is about being tolerant and both sides dealing with it by respecting each other's rights, particular when on one's personal property and not doing anything illegal.
Hell all the smoke Nazi's already prevent us from smoking in public places, ill be damned if ill refrain from smoking outside of my own home!

Side not, if they were enjoying dinner, i might wait until after they finish as well, but after that, its on!
I agree with much that was said here about common courtesy... I burn a lot of wood during the year in my firepit, and my neighbers I didn't know were having a party, and about an hour before they asked if I wouldn't mind putting it out since they had a bunch of kids and people over in their back yard, no problem, put it out, they came over after with a bucket full of beer as thanks. People generally want to be nice to each other, so I try to think of it that way instead of fu*k em all sort of attitudes to people.
One of my neighbor's 17yr-old daughter has her bedroom window about 20' from my 'smoking area' so if her window is open, I usually gauge the wind direction before lighting up.

so you're looking thru the bedroom window of a 17 year old girl? Nasty Doug :D