Prayers for my Wife

Kevin & David,
"...With the Name of God on his lips, he will have no thirst; with the Form of God in his heart, he will feel no exhaustion. The company of the holy will inspire him to travel in hope and faith. The assurance that God is within call, that He is ever near, nor is He long in coming, will lend strength to his limbs and courage to his eye." A friend recently shared these words of Sai Baba's with me and I pass them along to you.
kevin, consider it done. karma has a way of visiting selfless people, and it is no doubt on your side. stay strong, and keep us posted. brian and cheryl
Prayers sent brother!

I know from personal experience what it is to have heart problems...been a little over a year since my last surgery...people may complain about the cost of health care here in America but this country has the best doctors in the world hands down.
My wife works very hard to stay healthy and keep in shape. However, due to a congenital heart problem (for which she had open heart surgery when she was 11), she will again require open heart surgery. She needs to have a valve put in as well as two other heart-related repairs. Her surgery will be this Thursday, January 10th.

Will you please join me in praying for her? We strongly believe in the power of prayer (and have experienced God's miracles before) and appreciate any and all prayers you can send her way.

Thank you for your thoughtfulness,

Will do, Kevin! Matthew 19:26 "With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible."
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