Prayers needed for my son

Dear Lord God, heavenly Father, physician of both body and soul, we ask you to be with Mike's son... Watch over the neurologist that will be examining him, grant him a special measure of your Spirit's guidance that he/she might discern that which is best to bring him speedy healing and recovery. Also, be with this family, grant them your strength and courage to face this trial, trusting in your grace, remove fear and doubt from their hearts and minds, and give them the peace which passes all understanding in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
Without a doubt you and your son have my prayers.

I've had a similair experience and my memory came back so keep on keeping on and I'm certain that things will be ok.
Prayer sent.

I have teenaged sons who drive - please say a prayer for them as well.
Best wishes for a healthy and speedy recovery for your son, sir. It is difficult for a parent to watch their child injured or sick and not be able to do anything but hope and pray.
Thoughts with you.
Dear Lord God, heavenly Father, physician of both body and soul, we ask you to be with Mike's son... Watch over the neurologist that will be examining him, grant him a special measure of your Spirit's guidance that he/she might discern that which is best to bring him speedy healing and recovery. Also, be with this family, grant them your strength and courage to face this trial, trusting in your grace, remove fear and doubt from their hearts and minds, and give them the peace which passes all understanding in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

AMEN Reverend..............hope all is well
Mike, you have my thoughts and prayers for your son, and please let me know if there is anything I can do, please just ask.