Sigh... Asking for Prayers Again....


It seems that when it rains it pours... bad things come in threes I am told. I really don't want to know what is next!!

I am on vacation in Arizona right now, I get a phone call this morning from my mother telling me that "she would not call me on my cell out of country if it wasnt an emergency." First thing I think of is my grandfather has passed or something of the sort. Nothing like that though. Unfortunately a fire started in our recroom while we were away and burnt out our basement, the rest of the house has been ruined by smoke and soot damage. The fire captain told my mother that nobody would have survived this fire, as the CO content was so high that nobody would have woken up. The FD also told my mother that if she had not shut our rec room door last night the whole house would have went.

It is sad news, but we are all alive, and by some twist of fate we decided to kennel our dog instead of leaving him at our house with my mother staying there instead of at her place. Material things can be replaced and cleaned, but lives would have been lost forever...

Just keep us in your thoughts and prayers please. I am not asking for anything at all, but if a mod wants to contact me I can provide them with the FD report number as well as the phone number where things can be verified given certian past events with others on the board.

Prayers to all, hug your loved ones tonight...

Jeff, I was given a heads up on this earlier, if there is anything us BOTL's back home can do for you and Faith, let us know. Keep your chin up my friend.
Good vibes going your way. You are right though, material possessions can be replaced. Thank goodness no one lost their life.
Jeff, brother what can I say... at least no one was hurt. I am sorry for your troubles, and like Dave said if there is ANYTHING that I can do to help you let me know.

I am speechless... and just plain sorry, stay positive as it could have been much worse... but it still sucks.
Man, I am sorry to hear about the loss... but my goodness, it sounds like it was limited in scope. Glad about the mom, and the dog, and the rest of the house. Hope your insurance acts swiftly and equitably. It wont replace everything, but it can help.

God bless you and your family.
Here's a question. Does anyone know the insurance procedures in this type of thing? We have to replace neccessary items for day to day right away but really cant do it out of pocket. Do they do anything in this case?


Thanks to all for the support and well wishes! This place is amazing!
They should be right on the ball, They should send you coverage for a place to stay and such, but till you talk to them, I don't know about other stuff. A phone call will clear things up for ya on that.:tu
wow can't believe that happened, if theres anything you need post it and it shall be done.
Here's a question. Does anyone know the insurance procedures in this type of thing? We have to replace neccessary items for day to day right away but really cant do it out of pocket. Do they do anything in this case?


Thanks to all for the support and well wishes! This place is amazing!

A friend of mine had a fire a few years back and his insurance company cut him a check pretty quick for essential items while the rest of the claim was being processed.

Thoughts and prayers headed your way.

Jeff - SO glad you are all safe, but damn dude. Sorry for your bad fortune.

As for insurance of course it will depend on your policy but the two cases I have personally known of will have you in a hotel right away and likely eating based on a per diem...with something on the order of a couple thousand in your hand for other stuff pretty much immediately. Hope this is the case with you as well

All my best, friend
Glad you and the family are ok. Hope your insurance company comes through quickly.
Sorry to hear about your bad luck, but glad everyone is safe. Hope things work out. Let us know what we can do to help. You are in my thought and prayers.
I'm glad you and your loved ones are o.k., Jeff.
Thoughts and prayers for you and your family
Sorry to here Jeff.

Yes your insurance company should cover all out of pocket expenses. Keep your receipts and they should hook you up with accommodations, meals and such should all be covered.

Let me know if you need anything.

Sorry about your situation, Jeff.
When it comes to replacing stuff there will probably be a reclamation and cleaning company coming in. All your stuff is itemized and then prices set.
Hope everything works out. Good luck.
Jeff, I'm sorry to hear about the terrible news. I do hope that everything is completely rebuilt soon. I can only imagine how difficult this situation is.

God bless,