Sweet....the wife left for the night!

This is turning into a "How long can I keep the ash on a Robusto" thread.

I'm more impressed than I thought I would be with this cigar. Great stuff!
Good for you, I hope you are enjoying that cigar. My Fiance went to her mothers house to plan wedding stuff and it spending the night. I am planing on getting in two maybe three cigars tonight. I love when she is here to spend time with me, but on the rare ocasion that she leaves it is like a smoking holiday. Life is good, and I don't have to worry about getting caught mid smoke. She let me smoke whenever I want, but when she is gone I smoke in the house, I have been caught a few times and that is never fun. Here is to a night alone.:tu:cb

Yeah, she's pretty cool about everything but she's also 7mos preggers right now, so I gotta be a little more curious of the super-smelling-ability "Pregnant Nose" she has right now.
You better clean that ash up or the little lady will have you ass. I got busted for leaving ash behind one night, I blame it on too many beers.
Here we go boys...the end of my little journey.

Back inside to clean up, throw on some vinyl, and enjoy the rest of my evening.
Holy crap...I'm in the exact same situation tonight! Wife went to hang out with a friend for the evening. I grabbed a Cusano 18 at half time, which was boring. Finished up in time to see the end of the Memphis win, showered, brushed teeth, now watching Carolina get embarrassed. :mad:

Hope you're enjoying yours more than I did.
Wow, that thing really held its ash nicely! Was it worth the possible punishment from the ol' lady? :r

Joe, I'm at work and the espn txt msgs have a mad lag, I didn't know the game was that close to being over at the time. Haha
Dude, you had Ryan Seacrest over too? Awesome!!!


About 10min after my wife put our son down, she popped in the living room and told me she's going to a birthday party. This buys me a good 3-hrs to burn one.

I'm off to the humidor to pull something special...I'll report back from the porch when I've got one lit!

:: scurrying off ::


Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can.

This sounds like a great moment to enjoy a cigar.:ss