Try This, its seems to work with some people

Bump for the people who have joined in the last 2 1/2 years...pretty wild stuff. ;)
Good thread to bring back from the dead!:r


Maybe this should be combined w/ the dumbest thing you have ever done as a newb thread.
Ok so I have seen people post about getting coffee or various beverages on their monitors from laughing but I thought it was just good BS to describe the hilarity.

Well I am now wiping black coffee off of my monitor and keyboard and noticing that it wasn't all that bad coming out of my nose.

Of course my staff now think I am crazier than ever but OMFG did I laugh through this thread. This has to be one of the alltime funniest threads I have read.

Whoever resurrected it..................thank you

What a funny thread! I busted out laughing numerous times while reading this..... Hilarious!

.....hits from the oven..... :w ...... dude.
that sounds like a great way to burn the skin off your face...or smell the burning crumbs in your oven. either way it's a party