Vicksburg Humidor

Don't know if the price is right, but looks like they have them here
voila cigars
$ 232.50

I can't get this link to work but Bargainhumidors is/was the only place that sold the Vicksburg. There are some like it for example Footlocker but not the Vicksburg.

It sucks but if Bargain doesn't have them anymore your only option is used or ebay. :(

DAMN they also got rid of the Gettysburg, 350 count Vicks smaller brother. WTF they stopped selling their best products.

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I don't know what the Vicksburg looked like but you could try They have a large selection of humidors.

Cheaphumidors has one that is very similar to the Vicksburg, just no glass top. I have owned both and really no difference to worry about.

The Vicksburg was selling for around $135. To pay over $200 like listed on another post is not worth it. Other options out there to go with.

Just checked after posting and cheaphumidors no longer has their version of the Vicksburg. I wonder if they both came from the same supplier, just different top. Must be the case as their "El Rey" seems to be a mini Vicksburg.
I can't get this link to work but Bargainhumidors is/was the only place that sold the Vicksburg. There are some like it for example Footlocker but not the Vicksburg.

I had no reference for price so didn't know if it was good. It did include shipping but that might not be enough to make up difference. Wish I would have know about these earlier. I would have definately bought 1 at the price they where going for.

is this the correct one?

I had no reference for price so didn't know if it was good. It did include shipping but that might not be enough to make up difference. Wish I would have know about these earlier. I would have definately bought 1 at the price they where going for.

is this the correct one?

I'll be dammed yes it is. I couldn't open the link here at work. I wonder how long they have sold them or if they now sell them because Bargain does not? hmmmm

They (were) an exclusive for Bargain.

I would never pay that price though.

I guess I have 2 gems sitting in my living room :)

I paid about $114 + shipping for my Vick. I think that you could find a comparable box for a lot less than $230.:confused:
I'm with Shawn and Chuck, I have a couple of these and I wouldn't pay that price. They are great humidors, but for over $100 more than I paid, no way!
I am just hoping that they will show back up! My plan was to wait until after the first year since I just bought a house, and I have to take care of Christmas. That is what I get for being good with my money. Idiot!
I have a Mohagony one I would be willing to part with if you are interested. It has two large tray instead of four small ones. I love it and planned on keeping it even though I know have a 1,000 cigar unit. But you sound really down about your lost opportunity so pm if you are really heartset on this model.

I have a Mohagony one I would be willing to part with if you are interested. It has two large tray instead of four small ones. I love it and planned on keeping it even though I know have a 1,000 cigar unit. But you sound really down about your lost opportunity so pm if you are really heartset on this model.


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