What's the coldest you've ever smoked in?


Old Sailor's Grasshopper
It's currently -54C with the wind where I am (that's -63.8F for you southern folk) and I'm thinking there's no way in God's green earth I could even light a cigar, let alone smoke it. And I really want one...

So, what extremes will you brave to enjoy a cigar?
Probably around 15 F (-9.4 C). I was out of propane for my heater in the barn, so I smoked in the cold.
Ummm... yeah, can't even come close. The only one who might post colder weather is str8edg!!!
I dunno. I smoked a cigar outdoors in January in Toronto on a windy day but they use crazy canadian measurements to measure temperature. I think it was like -10 with windchill :r
About -20F. But I was in my hot tub and there was no wind, the wind is the killer. Its gunna be about -20F today again with windchills around -40. I went out and took the cover off the hottub first so I could just run and jump in, then I lit the cigar in the house quick and made a B line to the hot tub.
50 degrees, and that's really cold for Southwest FL!!


We had a 50 degree day on sunday in Colorado...I just about put my shorts and flip-flops on and ran around in the sprinklers. It isn't supposed to get above 30F for another week and will hit below 0 F almost every night with wind chill.

Fortunately for me I smoke at my B&M in the winter months. :tu
When I was working in Prudhoe Bay and would have to take the Cat out to do some pressure readings, I'd smoke in the cab and it would be -80 to -90 outside. I'd bundle my big ass up, run out and take the readings I needed, then get back in the cab and keep smoking my Flor de Olivas while I got warm. Great way to spend 10-18 hours every day.
I live in Boston Mass. This is New England.

I have smoked in -2 degree weather. But I was in the comforts of my car.
About -20F. But I was in my hot tub and there was no wind, the wind is the killer. Its gunna be about -20F today again with windchills around -40. I went out and took the cover off the hottub first so I could just run and jump in, then I lit the cigar in the house quick and made a B line to the hot tub.

:r Sounds like me. If it is raining or snowing I only turn up half the cover, set out my ashtray and a couple of beers...light the cigar inside and make a mad dash for the tub. At night it has been in the 20's but it is 102 in the hot tub...best thing we ever bought:D
Last Friday night it was -38C I smoked outside... well I had a wind break but it was damn cold, but I was smoking a siglo IV so that made it all worth while. But I said I would not smoke in anything that cold again... unless I really want a smoke!! This weekend weather should be a nice -13C so I will be having a smoke for sure!

Bear how did you know I would answer a cold weather thread!! :tu
The coldest I've ever smoked a cigar is about 0 F.

Back when I used to smoke cigarettes, I was working outside at -45 F, and it was almost impossible to keep the cigarette burning!
Probably without wind chill -15 0r so. I've surely smoked a mess of them though while I've shoveled out cars or cleaned the driveway. The other day at -10 or so I had a cheapy stuck in the old pie hole while I was shoveling......... after ten minutes my moustache was frozen to the cigar.


Moustaches in cold climates can get messy.

FN in MT