who smokes everyday

As long as the weather is good, but I don't smoke in bad weather because it takes away from the experience. With that said, when the weather is good I often smoke more than 1.
I miss a day once in a while, but not too often.

Tomorrow is my one year anniversary of smoking cigars. Counting tonight's smoke, I had 570 cigars in my first year.
I smoke premium cigars every other Wed before going to the range and at the trap range. Burning gun powder and cigar smoke has wonderful aroma....
I miss a day once in a while, but not too often.

Tomorrow is my one year anniversary of smoking cigars. Counting tonight's smoke, I had 570 cigars in my first year.

That's just over 1.5 per day. If you miss a day, you have to smoke 3 on the next day in order to catch up with your average.

I'm a 2-3 a week type guy.
I used to smoke at least one per day and maybe two. Recently have cut back to just weekends and maybe on night during the week. When you smoke everyday you don't seem to appreciate a fine cigar as much when you have to wait a few days in between.
When I first began, just once weekly. Now it's generally one per day M-Th, Friday nights and most weekends two to three. Sometimes, one after lunch with a Long Island Iced Tea. I skip days when I don't feel well or when I think I need a break.

Oh, and when I don't have any, I don't smoke any...:tg
I am at 3-4 per week in the summer, and less in the winter. I was a little concerned about the summer and thought I would be smoking everyday but if its too hot, I just won't smoke one and won't care. I would love to smoke more, but the health and wallet would not like nearly as much as I would.
I wish I could smoke 1 every day.... I'm lucky to manage 1-2 a week. I don't have the funds to afford smoking 2+ every day haha, someday I will but not yet. Hats off to you all who do though, I envy you. :ss

- Tyler
I smoke 2-4 cigars a month at most and I honestly don't enjoy smoking everyday. But when I do light one up, oh man is it good :ss . I'm glad I dont smoke alot cause lets me buy nicer cigars more often, I would be broke If I smoked everyday.