
We all seem to be pretty lucky. Hell I am a college football coach and my wife still married me. Does not mind me smoking cigars, she like when I lite up an Oliva G maduro. She just wishes I would stop chewing tabacco
Wait, you forgot to mention that she's on the Swedish Bikini Team.

(Maybe if I show my wife this she'll go make me some brownies)
Well I'm 40 and my wife just turned 36, she's still as hot as the day I met her 14 years ago. She has a degree in education, was a first grade teacher before having kids of our own, she scuba dives, works out like a mad woman, is the greatest cook and most important she's a great mom to our 3 daughters! Oh, and she loves cigars and puts up with my hobbies that include cigars, scotch, guns, swords, pipes and pretty much anything that fits in my "Man Room"! Just click on my page and you can see for yourself :)

Don't take this the wrong way...but you really did marry "up"! :r
My wife is great, she probably secretly hates that I smoke cigars, hates the smell, etc...but, she buys me cigars and cigar accessories for my birthday/christmas. And she watches college football all day on Saturdays during the fall. I love her most for that, and 2nd for quasi-supporting my cigar habit.
Yes CeeGar I did marry up, way up!!! :tu But then she didn't do that bad, she's a stay home Mom, has a cleaning lady, and gets the run of the house. All I ask is that I have my one room, that's it!
I can't give my wife SAILKAT enough RG, She puts up with all my bad habits, the sports car, boat, fishing poles, tools ,humis,friends, well you get the picture.The best part is that she can't quite handle a full stick but she certainly loves going for a walk to the end of our block and playing puffing pass between our selves. She has developed quite the palette and even likes trying different smoke and has her own rating , Buy it again, don't bother. The best part is she loves to go Sailing, boating, golfing, driving and she even goes out in the cold during the winter and coaches our winter trap shooting team. Thanks for being you Kath:tu:tu