You know club stogie is your second home when...

.....You are walking through an electronics store you pull up CS on the floor model computer to see what you missed.

.....You are HERFing with every member of the community and you still need to check the site for updates

.....You have several hundred friends whom you have never met in person

.....If you were traveling across country you would have someone to smoke with in every town you stop in

.....On the same road trip you would have a couch to crash on in almost all of the same towns

.....when the site goes down for an hour or 2 for maintanence you start having anxiety attacks and feel disconnected from everything and everyone.
When a guy (Smokeyscotch) starts a pass to get to know his fellow BOTL/SOTL and you write a 6 page essay on your life and that doesn't seem weird.