Life comes at you fast!

Had the pre-op exam yesterday. No problems detected so still scheduled for surgery on June 3rd. Doc estimates that it will be about 6 weeks for recovery. several days in hospital and the rest trying to recover at home. The hard part will be not being able to drive for about a month. Have transport, but my fathers driving can be scary.

The good news is the exam doc gave me permission to enjoy a cigar and a drink. She said I should take some time to have fun as after the surgery I will be on restrictions for a while.

There is a Nub event Friday night near me so guess I will be able to make it.
I will bring an old stinky cigar to enjoy after I try my first nub and the flask is already filled with scotch. :D

Dave you know we are all pulling for you! If you are not busy Saturday night you could drop by here for a few smokes and drinks - it's just me here this weekend as Donna and the girls are gone out of town. I'll be working on the house - but was looking forward to having a drink or two or three :ss (I can't drive even after one at the moment so I have to keep my ass home).

Anyway - let me know - this way you can see what the house looks like now verse what it looks like later when its ready for all that furniture you got for me.

Thanks everyone for the prayers and well wishes. I finished the prep this evening and will be waking up early to head to the hospital.

I am hoping to be home by the weekend but that will be up to the docs. The sooner I get home, the sooner my pooches can come back from being boarded. It is way to quiet here without them.

I will be talking to a few botl so I will have one of them update after the surgery.

Thanks again. You have all really helped me keep my head and hopes up during this.
Thanks everyone for the prayers and well wishes. I finished the prep this evening and will be waking up early to head to the hospital.

I am hoping to be home by the weekend but that will be up to the docs. The sooner I get home, the sooner my pooches can come back from being boarded. It is way to quiet here without them.

I will be talking to a few botl so I will have one of them update after the surgery.

Thanks again. You have all really helped me keep my head and hopes up during this.

Looking forward to your recovery and return to CS, Dave.
Just saw this thread Dave. Thoughts and prayers with you tomorrow and through recovery. If you need anything, please let me know.
I'm thinking about you Davey...

Hello gorillas,
I just talked to Dave, he sounded and admitted to being medicated, so the conversation was short. The earliest he will be home is Saturday and the test results will take a week.
Wish I could tell you more.
Talked to Dave again today. He was able to drink some juice, he's hoping to eat soon, but that'll be up to the professionals. They had him walking in the corridor some and he wishes his pain medications were better. He did sound more coherent.
I'm going to try and stop to see him on the way home from work tomorrow.