RIP Anejo Sharks...and not the good way!

Not sure what makes me more sad. Hearing about the Sharks die and untimely death or hearing that you won them on C-Bid and knowing you probably paid wayyyy wayyyy too much for them.:mn
that sucks man sorry. However you can use it for some fine blending leaf for pipe tobacco if you are so inclined.
Dry them out.

Even though the wrappers are cracked and broken on some, you can try to repair them with liquid certo and some wrapper from a donor cigar. Will they taste like they should? No .. but at least you can try to fix them and smoke them.

There are posts with info on how to repair cigars, I remember IHT made one long ago, probably still around. If the cracks are lengthwise, you can cut strips so you dont cover the entire wrapper. You do need to let the certo repaired cigars dry enough time so they burn properly (couple of weeks for sure, months might be better) and you need to dry them before doing the repair.

I would pick a thin shade wrapper or something that will not impact the flavor that much. If you don't have something like that around send me your addy and I will send you some cigars that would be acceptable donors.

I accidentally sliced a hoyo dc lengthwise with a blade opening a package and repaired it with certo and a slice of shade wrapper. Smoked quite well ... certainly better this than tossing it out.
I am crying right now----chin up---it could have been worse...uh..err..ok, I can't think of anything worse in my cigarworld than the loss of just one Anejo, much less several to many