you know what I hate

My answer was gonna be "Manchester United" :D

I was thinking "ABBA", personally.

That sign doesn't bother me....That's the restaurant owners choice to put it there.....I've a choice not to dine there.

(I love choice)

Too many places now have no choice ... not mine & not theirs.
:r at the ManU thing.

It bugs me too. If they allow cigarette smoke, which is far more noxious and foul than cigar smoke, then they are just plain stupid.
So I took off my hat and said "imaginethat "huh" me workin' for youuuuuuuuuuu"

Signs signs everywhere a'signs blockin' up the.....


The perception is that cigar smoke is more foul than cigarette smoke. Of course, cigar smoke can be thicker than cigarette smoke, but to the non smokers, smoke is smoke...and cigar smoke is nasty and runs their patron's off.

I enjoy going to Denny's in Virginia. There is no NON smoking smoke wherever the heck you want. If you don't like the smell of smoke in the air, go to the hippy IHOP. The way it used to be. I love it.
maybe just be thankful that you don't live in a place like nyc where papa mike doesn't allow the unhealthy smoking ANYWHERE
maybe just be thankful that you don't live in a place like nyc where papa mike doesn't allow the unhealthy smoking ANYWHERE

:tpd: ANYWHERE?????
Know were I won't ever go. I mean no smoking in your car, home, boat or country side. Wait is there a country side in NY?? anyway that bites.

That's why they make small cigars. I have never had a complaint, been told to stop, etc etc.

Know were I won't ever go. I mean no smoking in your car, home, boat or country side. Wait is there a country side in NY?? anyway that bites.

Like most new yorkers, I do not own a car or boat. My apartment building discourages smoking, and I do not have access to a countryside.

I smoke on a park bench near my apartment sometimes, and other times at some cafe tables outside an office building, while yuppies glare at me like I'm killing babies

I've had people actually have the audacity to yell at me for smoking in Central Park. One chick even said "I don't think your allowed to do that here". I pulled out my badge and informed her I was pretty familiar with the law. :)
Here in Illinois you can't smoke in any public bars or restaurants anymore.


Here is Az you can't smoke in public places. They just revised the law to include anywhere within 20 feet of an entrance to a public facility also:mad:

This means that you have to move over 20 feet from the entrance/exit at work, at a restaurant and even a bar... :BS
I smoke at home and if anyone would complain about that I'll knock all their teeth out.

Jerry in Minnesota.
I've had people actually have the audacity to yell at me for smoking in Central Park. One chick even said "I don't think your allowed to do that here". I pulled out my badge and informed her I was pretty familiar with the law. :)
:r That's terrific! I wish I could have seen the look on her face.
I hate when I go to South Tahoe to gamble at the Lakeside casino and they don't allow cigar smoking. Cigarettes are just fine though.

What is the world coming to when you can't have a cigar in a CASINO???
I hate the self-righteous, sanctimonious, Leftist/Socialist, We know what's best for everyone attitudes that have gotten us into this mess.

Whatever happened to good old freedom to choose and live your life how you want the way our founding fathers envisioned? :sb