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  1. M

    Recipe: Ginger Orange Pop

    Things you need. 1.Tang orange ya the stuff that was in space 2.Can of Ginger Ale 3.Glass 4.Ice 5.Teaspoon Put about 1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons of Tang in a glass add ice and pour over ginger ale, sir with spoon briskly and enjoy
  2. M

    Ucubed's nubbing tool picture thread

    Had give the Ucubed nub-tools a spin with a Davidoff Demi Tasse Good times and it looks like I do have the skillz. :tu
  3. M

    Hmmm I may have found The One.....

    Score!!! Nice pick-up now take it to the end zone. :tu Congrats on your new partnership.
  4. M

    Advice on "Nubbing" a cigar

    I play alot of darts at my B&M and they help me nub cigars that are worthy. All I do is stick in the side and burn it down.
  5. M

    My wife made me a cigar dossier

    Looks good! Nice to know that people can still make handmade gifts. :tu
  6. M

    Just smoked my first punch

    The thing I like about Punch's is if I don't know what I want to buy I can always turn to them and not be disappointed with any of there lines.
  7. M

    My long awaited birthday smoke

    Happy birthday!!! It looks like you picked out a good cigar. Hope you can get on the right kind of rocks with your girlfriend by sharing a drink with her. Enjoy your birthday.:bl
  8. M

    Post-embargo White Owl (uva) - PICS!

    :r That review got me in tears, so well made of a cigar deserves nothing but the best and you made it proud, well done. :r
  9. M

    First Punch rare corojo

    The Punch rare corojo was the first cigar that really pushed me down the slope. It's one of the fewer NCs that do better with age on them IMHO.
  10. M

    2008 Cigarfest Schwag

    Wow man that looked like one hell of a party those CAO girls are....:dr
  11. M

    What's your buying cycle

    My cycle is: Get payed, spend, save the rest for food, And put pocket change in 401'K jar for one good cigar (more than $10.00) every 1-2 months. :r
  12. M

    Newbie's first humidor!

    Nice humidor! Some thing that size will last you 4 weeks maybe if your luckey it's a bad feeling wanting cigars but having no space for tham from a novice to green horn I learned the hard way.
  13. M

    Save your 601 bands.

    While researching on 601 cigars on google. I ran in too this So save up the bands and get a t-shirt thats what I plan on doing and by the way you do have to pay S&H. have a good day and smoke up.
  14. M

    Favorite Place to Smoke

    My favorite place to smoke a good cigar is with the company of good men and women any where as long as I dont get too cold. getting cold sucks.
  15. M

    Which stick got you started?

    Mine was the Punch, Lunch club in madruo because my B&M had a buy ten cigars and get one free card my free one I picked was the first release Rare corojo it was good and I went from there to the slope.
  16. M

    WARNING: Graphic Pictures, Not For Weak Stomach

    Well just save the band and one day you will get a nother one hopefulley. Have a good day.
  17. M

    A Very Sad Day

    I'm sorry that happened to you kind sir and my deepest condolences to you and any hart she touched.
  18. M

    Thirteen month anniversary pics!

    Wicked sick and I love your set up man righteous all the way. :tu
  19. M

    Stop Lurking and Start Joining!

    For me I will only post if I can make a contribution to the forums or to be part of some thing not just to post. That and I learn more too.
  20. M

    5 cigars every newbie should try

    These are the five that got me in to cigar smoking. 1.Punch London Club. 2.Padron 2000. 3.AF Breva. 4.Oliva Special 'G'. 5.Sancho Panza Double maduro. Good luck in your cigar hunting.